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Wednesday, 6 July 2011

H is for Hospital

9:50a It's a beautiful sunny morning by Okanagan lake with a comfortable breeze and a babbling fountain. Unfortunately I'm not here with my boys having an ice cream. Instead also in the background are buses changing and lively conversations. H is the letter on my transfer today as I wait to transfer to my next bus that will take me to the hospital to check out my kidneys. I've had issues with them since last September.

10:25a I'm now in the waiting room.I thought with all the waiting I'd be doing that I'd be getting so much more done but knitting in public is like wearing a sign saying, "Talk to me! I'm approachable." People are genuinely interested in what I'm working on and the conversations that spring off of that seem to go in any direction. It's not common for people to knit their own wedding dress.

4:45p I'm now home with a clean bill of health -- no follow up necessary.

I'm excited because I'm very close to finishing my Bridal Lelah top -- I can't wait! Also, I was reading the current issue Vogue Knitting and I found out there is a new HBO series called "The Knitting Circle" starring Kathrine Heigl. I looked for a pilot date but so far I haven't found anything. There is also a movie due to release in 2013 called "The Friday Night Knitting Club." Julia Roberts is supposed to be involved but it wasn't specified if she is producing or acting. I think it's right up her alley and knitting could use some more great publicity.


  1. Why did they think something was wrong with your kidney's?

  2. I've had ongoing kidney infections since this past October so the specialist wanted to check to make sure it was healthy with no scaring or inflammation. He said it looks healthy, no problems. I'm very happy :) It's not fun --- the worst pain of my life. No issues since March.
